Tuesday 8 March 2022

7 Dating Terms You Should Know in 2022

Dating has become simpler today in terms of logistics, and that is all thanks to dating apps. While things may seem simple with technology, it still comes with its set of challenges. Besides not having non-verbal cues and not knowing the tone of your date's message, there is also new vocabulary that you should be familiar with.

If you are new to the online dating world, perhaps knowing about these dating terminologies can help you in this journey.


"Hard-balling" is a term that refers to telling a person all of the things that you expect in a relationship even before you go out on a date. It’s a rising trend nowadays because people tend to be more upfront and intentional about their needs. Hard-balling an attempt to communicate the uncompromisable boundaries to avoid wasting each other’s time in the dating stage.


"Ghosting" is a term that refers to someone's disappearance off of your radar without warning. It is a common occurrence on dating apps, where one person suddenly disappears after you've been on a few dates or after a person receives a message from someone that they are not interested in. Some people refer to ghosting as "the vanishing act."


"Fast-forwarding" is a term used when someone you're dating is moving things along too quickly. It can be a sign that someone is only using you for their gain. Whether it's trying to shift things to the point of a physical relationship without getting to know you, or they are asking you to spend a lot of time together without taking things slow.


When your date makes you feel like you are being interviewed through a series of questions asked, often without them sharing their answers as well.


"Breadcrumbing" is a tactic that is used often by online daters. It is when someone sends you romantic hints and signals but shows no intention of committing. It’s equivalent to the act of “leading you on.”


A "swipe right" is a term used when someone is interested in you and wants to take things to the next level, and you both swipe right on each other on the dating app. It means you both like each other and want to get to know one another better.


"Slow fading" is a tactic that some online daters use to test you and see how serious you are about the relationship. They may begin to fade away from you without any explanation as a test. If someone does this to you, it can be very frustrating.


If you want to find love online, it is essential to keep your guard up. Be smart and follow these online dating terms when communicating online or on dating apps. If you put yourself in a vulnerable spot, you may find yourself in an uncomfortable or even dangerous position.

If you are looking for the best dating app, check out Zepeel. It is a free, authentic, and reliable video calling dating app you can use to chat with singles. It is also the first all-video dating app, connecting you with the right people. Enjoy its unique and innovative features like video profiles, video messaging, and live video chat. Try it now!

Source: https://www.zepeel.com/blogs/2022/2/17/7-dating-terms-you-should-know-in-2022

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Video On Dating Apps - How to Stay Safe Online

Video calling has long been a part of some people's communication with their loved ones, but it has become more vital recently because of government-mandated restrictions brought on by the pandemic. While there is absolute convenience that this platform brings everyone, there are also some risks that come with it.

Like any other online platform, being safe and secure should be your number one priority when using these online tools, especially when dating. This stage is when two people get to know each other. Therefore, some facts get revealed during the exchange. You would not want your private messages to get to the public easily, would you?

To avoid scenarios like that, you also need to take some precautionary steps on your own. Here are some that you may find helpful:


You can use some apps to engage in one-on-one calls with someone you meet on a dating site. It is essential to know how well the app works.

Is it a simple platform that enables you to make and receive calls with other people? Or is it an app that serves multiple purposes like a social network and provides these features? What about its privacy terms and agreements?

Knowing the ins and outs of the app may help you make an informed decision when it comes to choosing one.


When video calling someone, make sure that only you know your video call link. Do not announce it to the public. Doing so would only call attention from the wrong people. In fact, it is not recommended to even share your personal information like your phone number or your email address in public.

If you can, protect your call using a complex password. That can help keep things more private.


There is no telling with whom you are interacting. Anyone can just create an account and start pretending to be someone else. There are cases where people impersonate others and even pretend to be someone they are not. That is why the key is to be careful with the things you share online.

Do not give out details that can compromise your personal information. In some cases, you might share your photos, videos, content you are watching, and other stuff that are stored in the cloud. Make sure that you do not share them with the wrong people. It can be done by changing your passwords often and not disclosing your actual passwords to anyone.


End-to-end encryption is becoming an essential feature of apps nowadays. Without it, privacy can be compromised. That is exactly what happens in a video call. If there is no encryption, the other person can easily view the video that is being shared.

Look for an app that offers this feature. The app should also have the option of a private chat. That would be a good sign of security.


Your apps should always be updated. Otherwise, they could be susceptible to hackers and “fingerprinting.” That is a big no-no, especially if you want to ensure that your information is safe.

Keep these tips in mind when you are using one on one video chat apps. It would keep you safe and secure.


The best video chat app to use is essential for some people. They are now using this kind of app to find a life partner or their true love online and it makes things easier for them. If you also use this platform, utmost care and safety should be your top priority. By following the tips above, you can save your account from hacking so that you can enjoy your video calling safe and secure. 

If you are looking for the best online video dating app, check out Zepeel. It is a free, authentic, and reliable video calling dating app you can use to chat with singles. It is also the first all-video dating app, connecting you with the right people. Enjoy its unique and innovative features like video profiles, video messaging, and live video chat. Try it now!

Source: https://www.zepeel.com/blogs/2022/1/4/video-on-dating-sites-how-to-stay-safe-online

Wednesday 24 November 2021

5 Video Messaging Strategies to Spark Romance

When love becomes part of any conversation, spark on the first date is always top of mind. Romance will not happen if the talking stage is dry or has little to no movement. Having an arsenal of romantic, creative starters is an excellent rule of thumb. That way, the dialogue can flow freely and conversations can even end up extra sweet and/or spicy.


It should be noted that being romantic can mean a number of different things to many people. This means that you need to take your personality and views into account as you gather messaging strategies to spark romance. 

Consider the other person’s personality if you know who they are, such as:

  • A friend that you're looking to turn into more than just a friend
  • Someone that you're dating at present
  • Your wife or husband

Needless to say, someone you're looking to meet or just met will need a different conversational approach for romance.

Here are five messaging strategies to spark romance in any situation:


Did you end up mustering the courage to start a conversation with someone who mentions a love for miniatures in their dating app bio? Or show a potential music-loving date a clip of you playing the piano? A shared interest can be a great conversation starter—and it’s also the perfect opportunity to bond over doing the activity you enjoy together.


It's important to do this with an introduction that's quick and not abrasive. Some people don't take well to being approached by complete strangers. However, remember that couples all started out as strangers. Break the ice by using tactics like a humorous approach through a witty comment or joke.


Don’t just talk about yourself! People love when someone shows interest in them—and not only what they look like or what they have to offer but also who they are as a person. Ask a prospective date about things they’re passionate about, and pay attention! Even if you’ve just met, this particular attention will not go unnoticed.


It’s important to be careful about what you say about someone, and this is true online and in-person. Avoid trash-talking a potential date or putting them on blast to your friends or Twitter—if it ends up getting back to them, it could do a lot of damage! Be kind, and keep personal details private. If it doesn’t work out between the two of you, respectfully move on.


When you have a crush on someone, you'll likely know something about them. Approach them in a personal manner but make sure there's a balance struck there. After all, nobody likes a stalker. Make sure the question or opening line is explicitly romantic, so your intention is laid out without you having to openly state it.


The right conversation can go a long way in terms of making and pursuing romantic connections. When dating, a huge part of how things go relies on the talking stage. Key messaging strategies include doing the conversation privately with a crush, finding a shared interest with a stranger, and making the other person feel special.

Looking for the best online video dating app to spark romantic conversations? Check out Zepeel! Our mobile dating app is free and ideal for video messages and live video chat.


Monday 11 October 2021

The Psychology of Online Dating Profiles and How to Improve Yours

Is there a magic formula to succeed in online dating? Many singles get discouraged when they feel they’ve given online dating a good shot and have come up empty-handed. As it has been said, Knowledge is Power. And so, we offer you some discoveries about online dating profiles, and how to improve them to help you achieve the goal of meeting someone just for you.

Words Count

If you are serious about finding love online you must mention the word ‘love’ in your profile. It has been shown singles who do use ‘love’ in one context or another are more likely to find it. In particular, men who use the words ‘heart’, ‘romantic’, ‘relationship’, and ‘children’ will do better in attracting a romantic partner.

The Eyes Have It

A research company using tracking technology was able to record the eye movements of study participants as they read online dating profiles. What the researchers discovered is men looked at women’s profile photos/videos 65% more of the time than women did men’s. This is proof positive of how important a profile photo/video is because it’s a known fact men fall in love with their eyes. So, ladies make sure you upload the most flattering profile photo/video of yourself.

Not Telling the Truth

Nearly two percent of people fudge the truth when describing their physical characteristics in their dating profiles. A university study was able to determine through checking DMV licenses (where the lying started), and weighing and measuring study participants, both men and women lied on their dating profiles.

They lied about weight: women claimed they were almost 9 pounds lighter than their present weight; men fibbed less, claiming they were two pounds lighter. But men lied more about their height, saying they were half an inch taller. Men and women lied less about age, oddly.

Be honest about your appearance. It seems silly to subtract a few pounds or add a fraction of an inch to describe yourself. Here’s some advice you hear all the time but heed it: be yourself. Self-acceptance is all-important if you want to experience a real relationship.

Get a Second Opinion

It has been studied one-third of women ask a friend to review their dating profiles. For men it’s less than one-fifth. It’s wise to recruit a second pair of eyes. A friend can offer some perspective to help you make the best presentation of yourself on your dating profile.

So, what do you think about research on dating profiles?  Would you change how you create your own profile?


Source: Online Dating App

Thursday 2 September 2021

The Ultimate Guide to Creating an Irresistible Dating Video

We get it, dating is hard. And using online dating apps and sites may seem impersonal, as effective as they can be. Trying to summarize yourself in a short amount of words is daunting in itself. Should you be funny or earnest? What movies and TV shows should you list – the ones that make you seem smart and cultured or the ones that you actually binge-watch till 3AM? And even when you finish creating your profile, these inevitable thoughts cross your mind, How can they get to know the real me through some photos and a paragraph? Why can’t this just be as easy as having a casual conversation?

Enter dating videos. Making videos of ourselves, whether through Snapchat or Instagram, has become a normal part of our lives. A dating video is its own conversation-starter. (And god knows that trying to start a conversation on a dating app is the hardest part).

Making a dating video isn’t as hard as it sounds. Think of it as a longer Snapchat video or Vine that could potentially help you find the love of your life. Think of the possibilities! And luckily, we’ve got the tips and tricks to make it easy to make a dating video that’ll attract your soulmate (or at least a first date).

Create movie quality video… with your iPhone
Okay, we’re not saying that the video needs to have the cinematic qualities of a Scorsese film, but it is important that your video looks like you put effort into it. Nobody wants to see a grainy video where they can’t even make out what you look like. Luckily, there are ways to hack your iPhone to make the video look professional and, if you’re willing to splurge a little, this article breaks down how to capture high quality video at every budget.

Want to know a secret? It all comes down to the lighting. We all know that the perfect selfie all depends on the lighting. So if you can record your video on a sunny day while sitting by a window, your video will look 10x better than if you were using regular indoor lighting. So if you can’t get lighting equipment, just remember that the sunshine is your best friend.

Don’t turn them off before you’ve even said a word

The best-performing videos on YouTube are easy to watch. That means that there’s not a lot of clutter in the background, so you can focus on what the person is saying. There’s no background noise, making it easier to hear the video. The same goes for your video. The quieter and more visually-appealing your video is, the better the chance that it’ll evoke a positive response.

The YouTube video below is pretty simple yet it keeps you engaged because it’s visually appealing and you can hear what she’s saying. We’re not saying that you need to do a voice over and have intro music, but a little attention to details will go a long way.

Dressing the part

You want to dress for the video in the same way that you would dress for a casual first date. You want to look clean, but not like you spent 5 hours in the mirror. And your clothes should be casual but nice. You might want to go one step further, and use your clothes to show off your personality. Wear a t-shirt from your favorite band or alma mater. That’s an easy way to establish a common interest with whoever is watching.

Warm Up

Confidence begins with the voice. Doing some vocal warm ups will make it easier for you to project your voice and sound more self-assured. When you’re talking on video, you tend to speak slower and enunciate more so that you’re easier to understand. Vocal exercises will help you better acclimate to this type of purposeful speaking. If you don’t have time for a full warm up, you can do some deep breathing exercises. Not only will they help with your speaking, but they’ll also help you calm your nerves.

Plan ahead and keep it short

You don’t need to write a detailed script of everything you’re going to say. In fact, please don’t do that. It’ll come off forced and insincere. But it will help you to have a loose idea of what you’re going to say in the video beforehand. Mention only what people are going to be interested in, so a 5 minute ode to your cat (as cute as Mr. Snuffles may be) isn’t going to cut it.

The video shouldn’t be longer than 30 seconds. It gives you plenty of time for people to get to know you, while enticing them to try to initiate a conversation so that they can learn more about you.

Showcase your passion

Remember that you’re creating a video so that people can get to know you. So instead of talking about your passion, you could use the video to show your passion. Set up your iPhone or camera in the kitchen and give your potential soulmate a taste of what a future date with you could entail (everybody loves a partner that can cook). If you like to paint, you can show off some of your paintings. Don’t worry about being a show off. People want to know more about you, that’s why they’re looking at your profile.

Stand up

YouTuber David Turnbull advises standing up to help you feel more confident:

“Because as someone who recorded hundreds of videos from a seated position, I noticed a dramatic improvement in how I felt in front of the camera (and how I came across) once I started standing up.”

Since he spends most of his time making videos, we can be sure he knows what you’re talking about. Standing up might have other benefits, too – it can help you showcase your outfit, allow you to get a more flattering angle, and help you show off your dance moves (if that’s your thing). The point is, there are many ways to make a video. If you’re more comfortable standing, then stand. But if sitting helps you feel more relaxed, then let your couch potato flag fly high.

Be real

Chances are that if you’ve ever been around someone that’s trying too hard the first thing you wanted to do was find the nearest exit. The old adage rings true: just be yourself. Always remember that this video is about showing who you are, not some aspirational version of you. The former is always more interesting than the latter.

In this YouTube video, Josh Sundquist is his honest self, even when it comes to a topic that can be difficult to approach – his disability. Because he’s not trying to be someone he’s not, the video is entertaining and relatable.

As cliche as it sounds, the most important thing is that you have fun. Don’t overthink it too much. When you’re relaxed, it’ll make it easy for the real amazing you to shine through. After all, the whole point is to showcase the essence of your personality the way words and photos can’t. So get creative with it. You never know who you’ll meet as a result.


Source: Online Video Dating App

Sunday 22 August 2021

10 Tips to Build a Successful Online Video Dating Life

Sometimes dating can feel more like a chore than an enjoyable experience.  There seems to be so many unspoken rules and regulations.  The first issue that comes up is finding ways to actually meet Mr. or Mrs. right.  Thankfully, technology can enhance our love life in a variety of ways. Taking a leap and putting yourself out there in the online dating world can be a nerve racking but exciting time. With so many options for meeting potential dates these days it can be hard to know which route to pick.  Maybe you’ve already tried the texting/chatting route and feel like you want something more personal.  In reality it is easier to stay behind a screen and stay in your comfort zone.  If you're ready to date and meet people in real time, Zepeel is the option for you!  Zeepel brings you a new and fresh video dating option to put yourself out there, meeting new people and even find your soulmate.

Here are 10 tips to build up a successful online video dating life with the goal of finding true offline love:

1. Self Reflection:

When looking to pursue a relationship it is important to understand and have an idea of what kind of values and characteristics you want your ideal partner to have. When you take the time to reflect, you will limit potential mismatches and avoid wasting time. Thankfully, Zepeel allows you to set search preferences around hobbies, age, and body type.

2. Effective Communication:

Did you know that roughly 38% of our communication is through our voice/tone and 7% is our spoken words (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Mehrabian)? When creating your video profile or chatting be mindful of your tone and the words you are using. When people sense a positive tone they are more likely to be drawn into wanting to connect further. Now, here's the key.  To be successful at effective communication tone, body language and spoken words should be congruent to promote authenticity and convey genuine interest.

3. Non-verbal Body Language:

Roughly 55% of our communication is non-verbal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Mehrabian).  It is important to have awareness of how you are presenting non-verbally. Are you smiling and being inviting to commence conversation? Or are your arms crossed and you look upset? Have you ever been speaking to someone and you can tell that they clearly are not interested by their non-verbal cues? Your non-verbal communication will let someone know if you are interested and how open you are to them.
4. Honesty:

If you are serious about finding love, it is important to be as honest as you can be during video chats. If we are not honest, we cannot establish trust and if trust is not there then it is impossible to begin a healthy, successful relationship.
5. Be Yourself:

It can be intimidating knowing that people can see you live during a video chat; a part of attracting appropriate matches is having the confidence to show others that you are not afraid to be yourself. I am a firm believer of being your authentic self. Would you rather have a person like you for who you genuinely are, or would you like someone to like the “pretend you?” The more authentic you can be, the more the trust and connection can grow.
6. Being Present:

Does anyone else get annoyed when you go out to dinner and the person you’re with is on their phone the whole time? When you’re on a call with someone, find a quiet place away from other family members, noises,  pets or other distractions.  Also, try to limit surfing on the internet or other electronics (i.e. tv in the background) so that the person feels like you’re really engaged in the conversation and are interested in getting to know them.
7. Active Listening:

No one can resist speaking to a person who is not only present but is demonstrating that they are listening and engaged with what the other person is saying. This in fact is the basis of having a healthy friendship/relationship.
8. Be Cautious:

Until you reach a reasonable level of comfort with someone, it’s important to not reveal too many personal details. For example: I wouldn’t advise giving your direct phone number, address or financial information right off the bat.
9. Have an Open Mind:

The moment we see someone, we make a snap judgement on his or her looks. Well, here’s the thing, we’ve all heard the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.” The same goes for online video dating. Physical attraction is important but so is having a person who shares your interests and is genuinely interested in you. Be open and adventurous about connecting with people you may not normally associate with, you might be surprised.
10. Have Fun:

Zepeel gives you the opportunity to meet a variety of different people on one awesome platform. It’s important to remember that finding love should be an enjoyable, exciting process. If we begin to worry, get discouraged or put time restrictions on meeting someone, the experience will get tainted and that will affect our self-esteem and well-being. When you go into video dating with a positive, open-minded attitude good things will come your way!    

If you're ready to open up a new world of possibilities in the online dating world and want a more authentic connection experience, video dating is a great option.  These ten tips provide you with a solid foundation to become a video dating pro!  If you want more information or tips on dating and relationships, please see my website.  Happy video dating!

Source: Online Dating App

Thursday 19 August 2021

Why Video’s Changing the Face of Online Dating?

Dating got its start in the early 1900s when lads would “call upon” young gals they were interested in and would spend time in the living room with both her - and her parents. The young couples would sit awkwardly and try their best to get to know one another - as much as they could under the watchful gaze of the parental unit.  With some families lacking enough money to entertain, couples began to leave the house and go on ‘dates’ - soda shops, sock hops, pizza parlours and other such spaces for socializing.

Many people relied on being set up by friends and family who thought their ideal love match was that handsome Jones boy in the neighborhood with the great reputation and good family. Back then,  everyone knew every person who lived in the neighborhood - as well as everything about them! You just went along with their recommendation, got married, had kids. Case closed.

As technology came to power and dating moved from something only men were in charge of instigating, things progressed from finding a partner to being in the hands of family recommendations or matchmakers, to singles choosing their one true love in new ways. Personal ads were circled in newspapers. People would record VHS videos of themselves and then nervous lovebirds would flip through binders of photos to find a match and watch the video clips to see if a love connection would be felt. Even back then we knew the power of a connection made by seeing a person as opposed to having an anonymous chat session with a static image of a photo of a person’s face!

But we left the video hey-day of dating and with personal computers became interested in email exchanges, chat and instant messaging applications. To find a partner now is as easy as a swipe! The question is can you really know someone based on one (or several) photographs?

We’re big believers in the power of online video to change the face of modern dating and have stepped in with a product that brings back the authenticity and personality to online dating. Here are a few reasons why video is a necessity for the best online dating experience.

Words are Open to Interpretation

Have you ever had that experience at work when you’ve asked for something in a chat and the end result isn’t what you thought you thought you had clearly requested? Or you say something and then search for the perfect emoji to help you better express the emotion you are trying to convey? It’s sometimes humorous to think of how one ill placed punctuation mark can change the entire meaning of a sentence.

Let’s eat Grandma!
Let’s eat, Grandma!

Imagine the situations that can come about from a typo or errant comma when talking to someone you’re interested in dating! We’re not even going to get into the issues that can come about from auto correct. Duck that!

With online video, it’s easier for people to get to know you. Your mannerisms, way of speaking, emotion - it’s all on display. It’s less likely for you to be confused by someone when they’re speaking to you - voice and video than a few words on the screen.

Chatting is so Impersonal

Type type type. Type type type. OK. Maybe you have some Taylor Swift playing in the background as you send over flirty quips to that guy you’re interested in. Beyond this, there’s no sound. No video. Nothing. Just you, your keyboard and a blinking cursor you’re left with to fill space. While he waits. For you to say something witty. Or smart. Or anything at all.

Where’s the personality?

Online video apps supercharge the dating experience and bring you literally face-to-face with potential partners. It’s much easier to show your personality and in turn, see who you are connecting with when video’s involved. You’ll be able to sense the chemistry instantly and avoid any awkward first dates when you do meet up with him.

Are They Really Who They Say They Are?

Chatting online can sometimes feel  impersonal when it’s with a real, live human, but can you be so sure that you aren’t sending photos over to a bot? Sure there are many tips that can be used for spotting fakers, but seriously, do you have time to validate every chatbot may be striking up a conversation with?

Further to this is the old ‘bait and switch.’ He’s saying he looks like a cross between Pitt, Clooney and a dash of the cute Jonas Brother. You have a photo where you totally see the resemblance. Then you show up for your first date and he looks more like a mix of Danny Devito and Screech from Saved by the Bell.

Video dating apps cut through the confusion to put an authentic human face to who you’re engaging with. The likelihood of cat-fishing is cut drastically when you’re using video.

It’s All About the Experience

Swiping every face you see. It just seems so far away from what we as people are all about. So removed from connection - which is the very goal of meeting someone online. While some may appreciate the usability and speed that these rapid-fire apps offer, for those looking for a more meaningful and deliberate method for meeting someone - online video is the way to go.

Think about the boom in video-based content. Vlogging. Snapchat. Periscope. Blab. Google Hangouts. It’s all popular for a reason. We like spending time with people. We like looking at people. Maybe we’re hardwired from infancy to like looking at faces? Perhaps there are other scientific rules at play. All I know is that I’ll take trusting a real live human who I can interact and share with over a photo of that person in confirming my wish to start a relationship with them!

The face of online dating is ever evolving and changing. As new technologies come to market, it’s exciting to see where it will go from here. We can say with certainty that a lot has happened to help singles discover and connect with each other. No more VHS ads!

So there you have it. The case for using videos as part of your online dating efforts. What are you waiting for? There are plenty of fish in the sea just waiting for you to send them a fun and flirty video. Who knows. Your clip might just hook a winner. Join Zepeel today and find your perfect match.

Source: Online Video Dating App

7 Dating Terms You Should Know in 2022

Dating has become simpler today in terms of logistics, and that is all thanks to dating apps. While things may seem simple with technology, ...